
Essay on Easter

Easter is one of the main events of the year for the Orthodox Christians and the most important Orthodox holiday. The word “Easter” comes from Greek and means “deliverance”. On this Holy Day we celebrate the deliverance of all mankind from the devil’s bondage through the sacrifice of Christ the Savior and the gift of eternal life and bliss. That is the fundamental sense of the Orthodox religion – God Himself became a man, died for us, and His resurrection redeemed people from the power of death and sin.

Easter Day

Easter is one of the most important Christian festivals which is observed in March or April. On this day the Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus after his death by crucifixion which is believed to have happened during this time around 30-33 A.D.
In Western Christianity, Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. The following day this is an Easter Monday, a holiday in countries having predominant Christian tradition.
In Western countries, Easter marks the end of the forty days of Lent, a period during which the Christians observe fast and penitence in preparation for the Easter which begins on Ash Monday and ends on Easter Sunday.