
Two Faces Of A Big City (New Delhi, India)

We live in Delhi. It is a big city. Millions of people inhabitat it. All are not rich. All are not poor. The middle class has a sufficient population of its own. The life is very hectic. There is cut throat competition. A mad race is on. Rich people take pleasure in their richness. They spend money like water. They can get anything for asking. They have little difficulty in acquiring pelf and power. They boast of their power of money. They are rolling in excessive richness. Their luxorious lives may even put to shame the kings and queens of bygone days. They have enough and to spare. All the blessings of life are showered on them. Nature has been bountiful to them. God of Wealth has been extra merciful to them. They enjoy all the conceivable facilities. They are still greedy to acquire more riches, thus depriving of their poor brethern. They are busy day and night in amassing wealth.


For the people of Kerala, Onam brings in a period of festivities. These festivities that begin in the month of


People like Mahatma Gandhi are born once in thousand years. They do not come to the world everyday. They are apostles of peace and non-violence. They are incarnations who descend for the welfare of the downtrodden and the poor. They walk shoulder to shoulder with the common folk. They do not like to be a class apart. This world is their true Karambhoomi (work-place) where they live and die for the upliftment of the masses. They toil, they struggle for a selfless cause. Their personal motive is at the lowest ebb. What is dearest to them is the service of mankind. They are the true servants of humanity. They do not amass pleasure and pelf (money). They come empty-handed and when they exit (leave) the world, they leave behind them a brilliance equal to thousands of suns. What an immortal achievement indeed it is.!